Monday, 18 November 2019

Google voice search

Today I was learning to use Google Voice typing.
I enjoyed to use Google Voice typing
I found it challenging to to say it loud enough
My digital learning object that I can use Google Voice typing in my writing and reading.
Next time I would change next time I read a try and speak more fully to my computer.

Ag Day

Today I was learning to put a photo on my blog post. I enjoyed handling my pet. I found it challenging to make my goat walk around the ring. My digital learning object shows that I can put my story on top of a photo, using arrange order to send the photo to the back. I would get someone to check my spelling and maybe choose a different colour of writing next time.


Sunday, 17 November 2019

Finding Fred

Today we were on a mission to find a Kiwi called Fred.
My mum and Dad are kiwi handlers and work as trappers in the Whinray Reserve and regularly monitor kiwis. Fred the kiwi had returned a mortality beep, meaning his transmitter had either fallen off or he was dead!

We set off with the tracking gear and headed for the hills. Following the beeping of the transmitter we were getting closer and closer, the beeps getting louder. Then mum said 'Stop!' it is here somewhere. I took a look under a fern and found a dropped transmitter. We all were relieved that it was not a dead kiwi! Woohoo.

Hochstetter frog

Today I was hunting for Hochstetter frogs. Hochstetter frogs are one of four native NZ frogs. They are becoming endangered, now rarer than gold! They live in streams under rocks and are hard to find. The one we found was green, they can be brown too. I was really lucky to see a Hochstetter frog I enjoyed finding the Hochstetter frog under the rocks. I found it challenging to climb the steep hills to find the frog, my legs were getting tired.